Sunday, July 24, 2011

lets take a ride

It's hot and humid in the city and I can guarantee that is not a good mix! The subway is like stepping in a sauna, which makes your whole adventure to and from the city extraordinarily disgusting and stressful! So use a bike! I recently got a new vintage bike and it has inspired me to get some exercise and bike over the bridge or just take a nice ride around Brooklyn Heights! Check out these nice vintage bike stores in NYC and take a ride. It's environmental and even stylish too! Explore bike stores near you like Hudson Urban Bicycles and Zen Bikes... but don't forget to buy a few cute accessories too!


Friday, July 15, 2011


Photography has always interested me... this summer I'm taking a class at FIT. I have learned so much in so little classes. Whatever, where ever and whenever I find something fun and pretty to take some photos of. Here is a way, I used dried flowers and incorporated them into a cake plate and a sink frame. I love it (the class), it's something new and something I never thought I would dive into. More photo's to come...

Thursday, July 14, 2011


Just went shopping for fabrics for my fashion design class at FIT... Went for the simple colors this time... Red for an apron dark gray for a skirt light gray for a shirt and olive green pok a dots for pj pants. Stay tuned for the final silhouettes!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

simply cute

Very cute, not too hard to walk in and perfect color for summer... j.crew sardinia wedge espadrilles.
Here they are:

picture perfect isn't it?

I got this Fiji Film camera for my birthday and I won't ever regret that! The pictures come out beautifully and take less than a minute to print... you will have so many adventures with this camera and absolutely love it! One of Teen Vogue's memorial day must haves...

Link to camera:

Teen Vouge article:

Saturday, July 9, 2011

just a drop of color

When you go to the nail salon you always struggle to find the right color. Essie's new collection is summery, bright, and brings out the color in your personality. Like any nail polish Essie chips in a day or two...  but it is still fun to add a little spunk to your style. It always looks nice to have Mani Pedi's match but it's also fun to have them different especially when you can't choose between two colors. Go crazy this summer and choose some colors you would never dare to. Treat yourself to a relaxing, soothing and enjoyable spa day with friends.

Essie's latest collection:

Friday, July 8, 2011

a nice stylish present for daddy on fathers day

I never know what to get my dad on fathers day because it is neither a small nor large holiday. This year, I made him breakfast in bed... What a huge success it was. My sister and I woke up bright and early and cooked. We made an omelet topped with veggies in the shape of a heart and a fruit parfait with homemade honey granola. We couldn't forget the coffee (you know how dads get addicted to coffee) and decided to add a little juice in too! Perfect present, creative, thoughtful, and yummy! More to come...

Thursday, July 7, 2011

just a hot summer day...

What do you do on a hot summer day? For days and days I have wanted to spunk up my room... so finally, I decide to make my own creative wall paper. First thing I did was dig out those old dusty magazines, that had been sitting untouched in boxes for years. I knew they would come in handy some day! Then began tearing out whatever pictures interested me. Getting a little carried away, ending up with way to many, worked to my advantage, helping me indicate which ones I just thought were "cool" and which ones could actually appear nicely on my wall. After a few days of picking and choosing I laid them out on my floor and made a rough outline for the wall. Although, I did change the order when I put them up on the wall so much. Standing on a tall chair, with tape in one hand and the picture in the other isn't that easy so I asked my mommy for some help. Never hurts to have a fashion director help you does it?